Today is 18th of November and here in Latvia we celebrate the Proclamation Day of the Republic of Latvia. In that spirit we are cooking and eating something traditional to the region. Potatoes with herring and cottage cheese. It is popular all trough the Baltic states and each country thinks that it is their creation. This meal consists of three equally as important parts. These parts are also kind of national treasure. Something that may not be as popular elsewhere. Well, except the potatoes of course. Traditionally served with simple boiled potatoes which I switched up for crunchy smashed baked potatoes because I am not a fan of boiled potatoe.

One of the main ingredients in potatoes with herring and cottage cheese is, of course, the herring. For this recipe you need pickled herring. Some people swear by herring in oil, some in vinegar / brine. I like vinegar one, because it wakes up the whole dish. There are hundreds if not thousands of pickled herring kinds, I usually go for the simple one with onions at the bottom. The Scandinavian people are much more into their herrings and have many more ways to enjoy it. I usually go for a local brand.

Latvians are all about their cottage cheese. It is a fantastic and super versatile milk product. It is basically whey separated from cheesy curdles. Cottage cheese is the finished product which is made when the cheese curdles are mixed with heavy or sour cream. Latvians mix it with sour cream. Often there are dill and scallions added. It is a popular breakfast staple and also served with potatoes and in this instance, pickled herring. It may seem like an unusual mix but trust me, potatoes with herring and cottage cheese taste super good all together. I also served it with some pickled red onions that I had left from a previous recipe. It is not necessary, but it does taste good. If you scored some pickled herring with onions already in the jar, eat those instead.

This is a very easy recipe and if you like pickled fish and order extra anchovies on everything and like salty foods, this is for you. Easy to make and delicious. To find out more about Latvian cuisine, visit this site.