With all the Halloween cooking and candy and sweets and eating, we all need something to wash it down with. Especially with a large family and costume sewing. Or maybe you live alone but just had eight bags of candy and now think whether you should call an ambulance or just ride it out like a real grown up. Never the less, the Oaxaca Old fashioned is a modern classic with smoky flavors of mezcal and sweetness from agave, while still maintaining the strength of an Old fashioned.

What is a modern classic, you may ask. I am no expert on jewelry, arts or vintage cars, should ask my husband about the last one. But in the drinks world, it is something that was created in this century. This cocktail came to birth at 2007. by a bartender named Phil Ward. And it was added to the very first menu of one of world’s best bars for many years running Death & Co. It was born during cocktail cultures awakening. In America, at least. It inspired many bartenders and many bars and it’s doors are still open. I have spent hours going trough the World’d 50 best bars list and finding each place on different social media platforms. Only to spend more time sitting and looking at pictures of neatly served drinks or crazy vessels or weird ingredients. I have found so much inspiration just looking at the pictures. The Oaxaca Old-fashioned is one of those drinks that is an old classic revisited and made better with an ingredient that was very challenging at the time. Now, mezcal is known by everyone. And loved too.

There are cookbooks and cocktail books and recipe guides and sometimes food and wine magazines that you just can’t get enough. This book is just like that. I think you can tell by al the post-its in the pages. This cocktail book, bar book is so beautifully written, holds so much information that it is one of those things in my home that I truly cherish. It is money well spent. There is a guide to building a home bar, making drinks, learning about different spirits, building a team and loving the cocktail world within the pages of this book.
For me, this is the perfect cocktail to kick off Old Fashioned Week 2020!
Here is another classic favorite of mine, and should be on everyone’s cocktail list.