Every year around this time I would be super excited about a lot of snow, cold weather, going skiing, and all that. Then after two days of being frozen on public transportation, I would get sick of it. But not this year. Do you know what I can do this year? Look at it all from the comfort and warmth of my apartment. While I still go out with the dog and sometimes to the grocery store, gone are the days of going to actually work and regretting getting out of bed during the morning commute. The only comfort is the idea of a steaming bowl of gut healing chicken noodle soup.
Wait, this is about soup?
Yes, this is the best part. Nothing compares to that hot bowl or cup of soup when you have been cold during the day and want to just take a bath in the pot and swim on a piece of carrot. Chicken noodle is the ultimate comfort soup, it has that taste of childhood, it makes you better even if you have a broken toe. It is worth setting a pot on the stove and make some chicken broth especially for this soup. This gut healing chicken noodle soup gets the most out of the chicken bone broth, the turmeric, and ginger that are added while making the stock. It is an easy chicken stock recipe, that I have used often.
I have found that it is both cheaper and more useful to buy a whole chicken and then divide it into pieces. You get the wings, the thigs, the breasts, the drumsticks, and the carcass. I always either make stock out of it or freeze it to make stock later. That is if you are in the need of pure stock and that is it. For this soup, I used two chicken legs with the thigs and all because there is a bone for the broth and there is plenty or enough of meat to shred off and add back to the finished soup. Alternatively, you could just buy the two legs and be done with it.

What you get is this beautiful, inviting, yellow-hued broth. You can skip all this and use store-bought of course. The main goal is to get a lovely bowl of gut healing chicken noodle soup. While it is okay to use many kinds of noodles or dried pasta in this recipe, I usually go for bigger and shorter forms that are easier to eat with a spoon. Sometimes I just clean my pantry and put in the soup all the bits and odds that haven’t been used because there is just not enough left for a whole meal.

You can serve this soup any way you want, but I will keep to the traditional way to this part of the world which is by adding a dollop of sour cream to everything. And some dill on top as well. But any herbs will work.
Now, let’s go make that cozy soup!

Gut healing chicken noodle soup
Chicken broth / stock
- 2 whole chicken legs
- 1 carrot
- 10 cm leek
- 2 celery sticks
- 4 cloves of garlic smashed
- spinach or kale stalks optional
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp turmeric powder
- 2 litres water
Gut healing chicken noodle soup
- 1 carrot
- 2 celery stalks
- 20 cm leek
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 200 g dried pasta
- 500 ml water
- 2 shredded chicken legs bones removed
- 1,5 litres chicken stock may vary
- salt and pepper to taste
- sour cream for serving
Chicken stock
- Cut any large vegetables into half, put everything in a large pot
- Put the pot on the stove and bring to a boil, turn the heat down and let simmer for 1 hour
- Strain the bouillon and reserve the chicken
- Shred the chicken and set aside
- You can add the veggies back to the soup or not, your choice, I cooled mine and gave the carrots to my dog
Gut healing chicken noodle soup
- Chop the veggies
- Heat a pot on medium high and add the chopped leek, carrot and celery
- Sautee for 5 minutes, add the garlic and sautee for 2 more
- Add the chicken and sautee for 1 minute before adding the stock and the water
- Now is your chance to adjust any seasoning the soup may need
- Bring to a simmer and add the pasta, cook for 10 minutes